Discover the top 10 biggest red flags in a guy never waste your precious time dating the wrong person again!
This post is all about the top 10 biggest red flags in a guy.
I get it, dating is extremely hard. We tend to overlook the red flags in the hope of finally ending up in a happy relationship, especially when we have been alone for a long time, feeling lonely and wanting to meet Mr.Right. If this keeps happening to you and you have just ended up devastated again after wasting your time with the wrong guy, this post is for you. Learn to spot the top 10 biggest red flags in a guy right away, and save yourself the heartache and disappointment.
Discover this extremely helpful red flags in a guy list.
Top 10 biggest red flags in a guy
1. He pays for sex
If a man pays for sex, in whatever way (even if he gets with a sugar baby), he isn’t a high-value man. High-value men know that they do not need to pay for sex, as many women are available to them for free. So why would a man decide to get into some kind of contract with a woman for his sexual pleasure? These men either have extremely strange sexual desires no “normal” woman would put up with, or they are simply not confident in their sexual abilities. They are scared of having to face honest feedback on their sexual performance when dating a woman whose opinion can’t be bought. They rather pay for sex, get lied to, and don’t have to face their fear of rejection and emasculation. The same goes for men who follow only fan girls, that’s one of the biggest red flags in a guy. They will have completely unrealistic expectations of how a woman should behave in the bedroom and expect to date the most beautiful girls even if they can’t live up to their standards.
2. Lack of Accountability
One of the biggest red flags in a guy is lack of accountability. If he can’t take on constructive criticism, apologize for his mistake, or just feel responsible for his actions and words, he is s walking red flag! There is no way you can build a healthy relationship with someone who doesn’t take responsibility for his own life and has a victim mindset. Blaming others for his mistakes or misbehaviors not only shows a lack of maturity and self-awareness but isn’t masculine or attractive at all. High-value men have a growth mindset and are not only willing to make mistakes but also own them to learn and grow.
3. Disrespect for boundaries
If a man disrespects your boundaries you have to run! There is no bigger red flag in a guy than him disregarding your limits, as it shows major disrespect for your autonomy and comfort. And don’t mistake crossing boundaries for taking initiative. We all love a man who leads with confidence, but only as long as we feel safe, comfortable, and respected!
4. Inconsistency
Girls, look out for a consistent man! Consistency is one of the main green flags of a high-value man! Maybe you wouldn’t expect inconsistency to make it onto the red flags in a guy list, but it is one of the man no-goes! Actions speak louder than words, and if a guy doesn’t stick to his words, isn’t reliable, or cancels dates at the last minute, it’s a big sign of a bad character. As women, we thrive when we are dating a man who is consistent and true to his words, as it makes us feel safe, and respected and helps us build trust. Someone who shows inconsistent behavior towards you either isn’t that interested, ignorant, or simply doesn’t respect you – all not-so-great starting points for a relationship!
5. Addictive behaviors
Addictive behaviors are one of the top 10 biggest red flags in a guy because it indicates deeper issues that can severely affect a relationship. Better not to get involved with someone who will be involved in his struggles to build a healthy and thriving relationship. However, that doesn’t mean that the person you are getting involved with must be perfect! We all come with our baggage, past experiences, and unresolved issues. The idea, that you are only worthy of being in a relationship when you have worked through all your trauma, is complete nonsense because if so, nobody would be in a relationship. Healthy romantic relationships are also a great way to accelerate your healing because a loving partner can offer new perspectives and the support you need.
6. Lack of Ambition and Drive
There is nothing as unattractive as a man lacking ambition and drive. Masculine energy is naturally ambitious and wants to grow and achieve more. Someone who has no goals, aspirations, or bigger vision for his life and is complacent is not only unattractive but will probably not align with your values.
7. Disrespectful Attitude
When asking women, what is the biggest red flag in a guy, I often get the answer: “When he is rude to the waiter”. It might sound a bit cliché but it has something to it. If a man feels better than the people who serve him, this is a sign of arrogance and disrespect for others. Even if he is the most successful man on the planet, that doesn’t make him better or more valuable than anyone else. If he shows condescending arrogant behavior, he lacks respect, politeness, and class, and won’t be afraid to disrespect you either. Run!
8. Love bombing (emotional attunement)
If a guy is love-bombing you after the first few dates this is a major red flag! What happens most of the time is that these men first get excited about you, take you on dates, tell you how amazing you are, etc., etc., and then suddenly pull back. Why does this happen? These men THINK they want a relationship but certainly AREN’T READY for one. Going on first dates, love bombing, etc, does feel good but when things start to get more real, they realize that they aren’t ready to be vulnerable, they get anxious about the uncertainty of a new relationship and they might not be willing to consider the needs of another person. So be very aware of these men who seem too good to be true, because they often are!
9. Poor communication skills (doesn’t listen, can’t set boundaries, bragging.
Everything in a relationship stands and falls with communication. There is no way you can build a healthy relationship when one of you has poor communication skills. Being able to listen actively, and communicate his boundaries, and expectations with respect and clarity is one of the major green flags in a guy. Don’t be too harsh on the first date and consider that he probably is just as nervous as you are. But if he doesn’t listen to you, and is constantly bragging or ambiguous, you should consider this as one of the top 10 red flags in a guy.
10. Financial irresponsibility
A mismatch of values when it comes to money is one of the main reasons couples fight. If your date shows financial irresponsibility this is a huge no-no! You need a high-value man who can provide and protect and doesn’t waste his money on unreasonable things. This kind of behavior shows a lack of maturity and responsibility and belongs on the red flags in a guy list!
No matter how much you finally want to find the one, ignoring these top 10 biggest red flags in a guy, doesn’t only waste your precious time, but can potentially be extremely harmful to you. So look out for these signs, while keeping in mind that no one is faultless. It just depends on what’s a normal flaw and what is an absolute no-go in a guy!
This post was all about the top ten biggest red flags in a guy.