Ever felt like you may need to change perspective when wondering how to attract a high quality man? In this post we explore 5 life-changing steps you can do to change your mindset around high-value men and start attracting the partner you truly deserve.
This post is all about how to attract a high quality man
Modern dating is tough! Swiping, matching, disappointing dates, and getting ghosted, can make you feel exhausted and defeated. If you are about to give up hope thinking that there aren’t any good men out there anymore, a change of mindset and perspective may be needed. Also, if you want to learn how to attract a high-quality man you have to start with yourself, self-reflect your choices and ideas of what a high-value man is and should feel like. And trust me, I get it, working on yourself is hard, especially if we finally want to live our dream of a happy and fulfilling relationship. But hear me out on these points:
How to attract a high quality man
1. Change your “lack mindset”
Are “all good men are taken” and “there aren’t any high-value men out there” sentences you use all the time? This “lack mindset” needs to go! The reality is that good men are everywhere, but you are probably throwing away potential amazing partners because you are stuck on a certain idea of what your dream partner must be like. Common things I hear girls say are:
- he isn’t tall enough
- he is too nice
- he was wearing ugly shoes
- I don’t feel “the spark”
- he doesn’t have the same hobbies
You have to start realizing that these aren’t necessary points to build a healthy and fulfilling relationship! These fixed ideas and standards make you overlook tons of green flags the guys you meet have. However, that doesn’t mean you don’t have to be attracted to your date! But, attraction grows with connection and we tend to throw away connections with great potential to make us happy way too fast. So, focus on the tons of green flags the guys you meet have, adopt an abundance mindset, and start seeing the tons of great men out there.
2. Stop looking for the exciting
Listen up, if nice guys bore you it isn’t because they are boring! Again, you are overlooking all the green flags to find something exciting. Your body is used to excitement, which you will mainly get from inconsistency, anxiety, and drama. In contrast, the “boring” guys you meet are actually high-quality men because they provide a sense of security, peace, and calm. This might seem boring to you because you are used to unhealthy behavior from emotionally unavailable men. Additionally, you confuse the anxious feelings these guys spark in you with what love should feel like. If you want to learn how to attract a high-quality man, you must first know and get comfortable with how a high-value man will make you feel, and let me tell you it has nothing to do with feeling anxious!
3. You don’t need to feel “The Spark” right away
If you are convinced that you have to feel “the spark” straight away, you are stuck on a romanticized idea of dating! If you want to know how to attract a high value man, you need to face reality and let go of the romantic movies in your head. Unfortunately, real life isn’t a romantic comedy!
Yes, when we were teenagers we had tons and tons of butterflies in our stomachs, but these butterflies are actually a sign of anxiety, and nervousness, and a way for your body to warn you of potential danger. So, if you feel like this on a date, it’s NOT a good sign, but a warning that you should ask yourself why someone sparks this kind of anxiety in you! If you want to learn how to attract a man emotionally, you need to get over the “I need to feel the spark, or I dump them phase” and give guys a chance to actually build an emotional connection!
Get used to value emotional connection, consistency, a feeling of safety and calm, and finally find a high-quality man!
4. You aren’t yourself
One of the habits of a high value woman is that she values authenticity and integrity. She is confident and doesn’t compromise her values and beliefs to please others. Being authentic and living true to your values are great ways how to attract a high quality man. But, if you keep “faking” your personality, beliefs, and values, just to be liked by guys, you are on a dangerous path of not only wasting everyone’s time but also losing yourself. You will never be able to keep up a role you’re playing in the long run, so be honest, be yourself, and if a guy doesn’t like it, that’s ok, because you wouldn’t have lasted a long time anyway!
Struggling with confidence and self-esteem? Check out my ebook and get ready to discover your new confident self!
5. You don’t need to drop your standards but have realistic ones.
I’ve already touched on this on the first point, but if you can’t figure out how to attract a high-quality man, you probably have a completely wrong idea of what a high-value man is (learn more about high-value men here). That doesn’t mean that you have to drop all your standards. However, having realistic expectations and standards, that are actually important when building a healthy relationship is key in learning how to attract a great man. Let’s dive into some standards that might be a plus, but aren’t fundamental to building a fulfilling relationship or connection with someone:
- He must be 6 feet tall
- He must have a deep voice
- He is super manly
- He doesn’t criticise me
- He has the same hobbies
- He is rich
- He likes the same movies and music
- He has many followers
- I feel the spark
All these points may be important to you for some reason, but they aren’t essential for you to build an emotional connection with someone or how to attract a great man.
Instead, you should be focussing on:
- He makes me feel safe
- He is consistent and reliable
- He has the same values and visions
- He has his sh*t together
- He isn’t afraid to set boundaries and say No to me
- He is authentic and confident
- He does what he says
- He is kind and considerate
- He listens actively and communicates well
- He is respectful towards you and others
- He has attractive traits, even if he doesn’t tick all the points on your list
- He communicates his expectations clearly: Find out what emotionally available men look for here!
If you start focussing on these points, you will quickly learn that there are many great men out there who are waiting to build something meaningful with you. Now that you know how to attract a high quality man, get ready to enjoy dating again!
Do you feel like you need a complete dating standard and mindset reset? Get in touch, and let’s work together towards your most fulfilling love life ever! I can’t wait to join you on your journey to love!
This post was all about how to attract a high quality man.