Just started dating a great guy but unsure if he is ready for a relationship. Check out these 10 signs he will eventually commit or if he is just wasting your time and energy.
This post is all about signs he will eventually commit.
In the early stages of dating, there are a lot of uncertainties, especially around building a future together. While getting to know the person, it’s important to learn the signs he will eventually commit so you don’t waste your time and energy on someone who isn’t ready for a relationship. Of course, communication is key however, sometimes people just don’t know what they really want or aren’t honest in that matter. These 10 signs he will eventually commit will help you assess whether you should keep investing in your partner, or if it’s time to move on.
Signs he will eventually commit.
He’s Consistent
Consistency in all areas is one of the signs he is committed to you. When his actions align with his words, and he’s reliable in how he shows up for you he might be more interested in building a future with you than he admits. Consistency can look very different from person to person, but here are a few examples you can look out for in the man you are dating:
- Regular Communication
- Following Through on Promises
- Making Time for You
- Showing Affection Regularly
- Being Emotionally Available
- Effort in Conflict Resolution
- Keeping Intimacy Alive
- Consistency in Values
- Supporting Your Goals
- Engaging in Shared Activities
A high value man, who knows what he wants, will do everything to pursue his goals, whether in his private or professional life. He knows that consistency is key to success, so if he is showing up for you, a shared future is that much more probable.
He Prioritizes You
Everyone prioritizes things and people that are important to them. Therefore, if you’re a significant part of his life, he will make time for you despite a busy schedule. All the things he does to prioritize you and the relationship are big signs he will eventually commit to you unless he is getting access to all the benefits of a girlfriend for free. Make sure you don’t just give away full access to you without him having to invest as well. Of course, he will prioritize you, if you give him access to your body constantly without him having to make an effort. Be wary of going too fast in the early stages of dating, when you haven’t established both of your intentions yet!
He Talks About the Future
If he includes you in his long-term plans, from vacations to life goals, these are signs he is committed to you. Nobody makes plans too far into the future with somebody they don’t actually want to have around! Mentioning future plans that include you can also be his way to see how you react and figure out if your visions are aligned. For many men committing to a future can be scary therefore, talking about the “what ifs” might feel safer to him and could be one of the signs he wants you but is holding back for whatever reason.
He Introduces You to His Inner Circle
Ok, ladies, this one might be triggering to you but men always put women in one of two categories: a girl for fun, and a girl for the future. There is no way he will introduce you to his family or closest friends and integrate you into his world if he isn’t ready to commit. Unless he is an immature guy and wants to show off his latest trophy to his buddies, but I guess that’s not the high-value man you are looking for!
He’s Emotionally Available
Yes, men aren’t always great with their emotions however, if he timidly starts to share some of his thoughts, feelings, and vulnerabilities with you are all signs he wants a relationship but is scared. In this case, you need to provide a safe space for him to slowly start opening up and feeling more comfortable sharing his emotions. Being a source of emotional support amongst other feminine qualities, is what makes a man commit and fall in love.
He Resolves Conflicts Maturely
If he has the patience and time and wants to solve conflicts, he is definitely invested in the relationship. Signs he will eventually commit are that he doesn’t avoid tough conversations and works with you to solve issues in a mature and calm way. He understands, that every relationship comes with its challenges, and as a high value man, he approaches problems with a growth mindset. If he quits every time you face a challenge, he definitely doesn’t see your relationship as worth investing his time and energy in.
He Supports Your Growth
A high-value man who is ready for commitment will encourage your ambitions and respect and cherish your individuality. His being interested in who you really are, supporting you, and looking at you as a part of his life, are big signs he will eventually commit. A guy who just wants to have fun, will never invest his time and energy into your growth and won’t really be curious about who you really are.
He’s Transparent
If you never know what’s going on, always feel insecure and unsure whether he likes you or not, he is not the guy for you. A high quality guy who is committed to you is open about his life, and there’s no guesswork or secrecy in your relationship. He will make you feel safe because he knows that this is his duty as a man towards the woman he is with. Here is what healthy transparency looks like:
- Sharing Daily Experiences
- Discussing Finances
- Expressing Feelings
- Sharing Long-Term Goals
- Admitting a Mistake
- Talking About Temptations
- Discussing Past Relationships
- Explaining Behavior Changes
- Being Honest About Boundaries
- Opening Up About Insecurities
- Talking About Major Decisions
- Addressing Conflict Immediately
- Checking in About the Relationship
- Being Honest About Intentions
He’s Invested in Building Trust
Some signs he will eventually commit are if he makes an effort to build a strong foundation of trust and mutual respect. Anytime he invests in any shape or form into the relationship, it’s a sign he is committed to you. Check out the 10 Green Flags in Dating you need to know.
He Expresses His Commitment
Of course, the most obvious sign he will eventually commit is if he talks openly about wanting to commit or settle down, showing he’s ready for a serious relationship.
These 10 signs he will eventually commit are a great starting point for you to figure out if he is worth sticking around. However, don’t forget that at any stage of a relationship communication is key. Talking about your vision, goals, and intentions early on will help you avoid wasting time with the wrong guys and make sure that you are compatible and on the sam track. If you want support with communication in your relationship, check out my affordable ebook with practical advice here.
This post was all about signs he will eventually commit.
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